Bridget Guerrero
Assistant Professor of Agricultural Business
West Texas A&M University
Box 60998
Canyon, TX 79016
(806) 651-2614
Dr. Guerrero received a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness in 2002 and a Master of Business Administration in 2003 from West Texas A&M University. She earned her doctoral degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Texas Tech University in 2010.
Dr. Guerrero worked for the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for 10 years prior to joining the Department of Agricultural Sciences in 2013 as an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Business and Economics at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, TX. Bridget’s research interests include socioeconomic modeling, water policy, production agriculture, and renewable energy. She is originally from Vega, Texas where her family farms.
On her participation in the Ogallala Water CAP project, Dr. Guerrero says "I am very excited to be working with economists and other disciplines with the same research interests from other states. This is a great opportunity to develop some long-term relationships with others who are having similar problems in terms of limited water. I believe that there is strength in working together towards a common goal.
I do think that through this project we can help identify strategies that will help irrigated producers in the region compensate for limited and declining water availability in their operations. These strategies should be focused on saving water, while at the same time, keeping producer profits and rural economies vital."
Selected Publications
Guerrero, B., S. Amosson, L. Almas, T. Marek, and D. Porter. Economic Feasibility of Converting Center Pivot Irrigation to Subsurface Drip Irrigation. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, (2016)77-88.
Tewari, R., L. Almas, J. Johnson, B. Golden, S. Amosson, and B. Guerrero. Multi-Year Water Allocation: An Economic Approach towards Future Planning and Management of Declining
Groundwater Resources in the Texas Panhandle. Texas Water Journal, 5.1(January 2014):1-11.
Guerrero, B., J. Johnson, S. Amosson, P. Johnson, E. Segarra, and J. Surles. Ethanol Production in the Southern High Plains of Texas: Impacts on the Economy and Scarce Water Resources.Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 41.1(October 2011):22-32.
Johnson, J., P. Johnson, B. Guerrero, J. Weinheimer, S. Amosson, L. Almas, B. Golden and E. Wheeler-Cook. 2011. Groundwater Policy Research: Collaboration with Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43.3(August2011):345-356.
Guerrero, B., S. Amosson, and L. Almas. 2008. Integrating Stakeholder Input into Water Policy Development and Analysis.Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 40.2(August 2008):465-471.
Amosson, S., B. Guerrero, R. McCullough, and J. Robinson. The Impact of the Cotton Industry in the Southern Ogallala Region. November 2015. AG-023, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas.
Amosson, S., B. Guerrero, and H. Graham. The Impact of the Small Grains Industry in the Southern Ogallala Region. September 2014. AG-012, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas.
Amosson, S., B. Guerrero, and H. Graham. The Impact of the Feed Grains Industry in the Southern Ogallala Region. September 2014. AG-011, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas.
Guerrero, B. and S. Amosson. The Impact of the Swine Industry in the Southern Ogallala Region. Selected Paper at the Mid-Continent Regional Science Association 45th Annual Conference and IMPLAN National User’s 10th Biennial Conference. Madison, Wisconsin. June 3-5, 2014.
Guerrero, B., S. Amosson, and T. McCollum. The Impact of the Beef Industry in the Southern Ogallala Region. September 2013. AG-001, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas.
Guerrero, B., S. Amosson, and E. Jordan. The Impact of the Dairy Industry in the Southern Ogallala Region. October 2012. B-6252, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, Texas.
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