Jim Bordovsky
Senior Research Scientist
Texas A&M AgriLife Research
823 W. US Hwy 70
Plainview, TX 79072
(806) 889-3315
Dr. Bordovsky is interested in developing tools and management systems that assist in the transition from irrigated to dryland agriculture. Projects include:
- Cotton crop rotations with alternative crops using very limited irrigation to leverage rainfall
- Evaluating systems to reduce the cost of subsurface drip irrigation through management and design
- Irrigation timing with limited water for improved water resource productivity
- Field-scale, multi-discipline cropping system evaluations involving irrigation levels, tillage and rotations
Our primary irrigation water source is the Ogallala aquifer which is not confined to the Southern High Plains of Texas. Solutions to current and future water challenges have to be addressed from a regional (multi-state) perspective. This project provides that opportunity.
Selected Publications
Adhikari, P., S. Ale, J.P. Bordovsky, K.R. Thorp, N.R. Modala, N. Rajan, E.M. Barnes. 2016. Simulating future climate change impacts on seed cotton yield in the Texas High Plains using CSM-CROPGRO-Cotton model. Agric. Water Manage 164 (2016) 317-330., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2015.10.011.
Bordovsky, J.P, J.T Mustian, G.L. Ritchie, and K.L. Lewis. 2015. Cotton irrigation timing with variable seasonal irrigation capacities in the Texas South Plains. Appl. Eng. Agric. 31(6)1-15. doi 10.13031/aea.31.10953.
Wheeler, T.A., J.P. Bordovsky, W.W. Keeling, J.G. Smith, and J.E. Woodward. 2015. Analysis of returns above variable cost for management of Verticilliium wilt in cotton. The Journal of Cotton Science 19:1-11(2015).
Leib, B., J. Payero, L. Pringle, J. Bordovsky,W. Porter, E. Barnes. 2015. Placement and interpretation of soil moisture sensors for irrigated cotton production in humid regions. Cotton Incorporated, Cary, NC. Dec. 2015. 8pp. https://cottoncultivated.cottoninc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Soil-Moisture.final-web1.pdf
Torrion, J.A, S.J. Maas, W. Guo, J. Bordovsky, and A. Cranmer. 2014. A three-dimensional index for characterizing crop water stress. Remote Sensing 6:4025-4042. doi: 10.3390/rs6054025.
Snowden, M.C., G.L. Ritchie, F.R. Simao, and J.P. Bordovsky. 2014. Timing of episodic drought can be critical in cotton. Agron. J. 106:452-458.
Bordovsky, J.P. and J.T. Mustian. 2012. Cotton response to crop row offset and orientation to subsurface drip irrigation laterals. Applied Engineering in Agriculture Vol. 28(3): 367-376.
Wheeler, T.A., J.P. Bordovsky, J.W. Keeling, B.G. Mullinix, Jr, and J.E. Woodward. 2012. Effects of crop rotation, cultivar, and irrigation and nitrogen rate on Verticillium wilt in Cotton. Plant Dis. 96:985-989.
Bordovsky, J.P., J.T. Mustian, A.M. Cranmer, C.L. Emerson. 2011. Cotton-grain sorghum rotation under extreme deficit irrigation conditions. Applied Engineering in Agriculture Vol. 27(3): 359-371.
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