Venki Uddameri
Professor of Civil Environmental and Construction Engineering
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409
(806) 834-8340
Dr. Uddameri uses integrated field and modeling studies that combine traditional modeling methods based on conservation principles with optimization and statistical frameworks to develop practical decision support systems. His research uses an integrated approach that seeks to combine water quality and quantity aspects to ascertain water availability and develop strategies to improve the water resources resilience in critically stressed arid and semi-arid regions. He is also Director of the Water Resources Center at Texas Tech University.
On his participation in the Ogallala Water Coordinated Agriculture Project, Dr. Uddameri says: "I would like to see the development of state-of-the art models and decision support tools that make best use of available data and that help decision makers and other stakeholders in the region make decisions that are scientifically-credible, risk-informed and help find creative ways to conserve, augment and enhance water resources in the High Plains region."
Selected Publications
Hernandez, E. A., and V. Uddameri. "Simulation-optimization model for water management in hydraulic fracturing operations." Hydrogeology Journal 23.6 (2015): 1247-1265.
Uddameri, V., Hernandez, E. A., & Estrada, F. (2014). A fuzzy simulation–optimization approach for optimal estimation of groundwater availability under decision maker uncertainty. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71(6), 2559-2572.
Venkataraman, K., & Uddameri, V. (2012). Modeling simultaneous exceedance of drinking-water standards of arsenic and nitrate in the Southern Ogallala aquifer using multinomial logistic regression. Journal of Hydrology, 458, 16-27
E. A. Hernandez and V. Uddameri (2010); A Multi-attribute Decision Making Model for Agricultural Best Management Practice Selection using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets; Water Resources Management; 24; 4589-4612
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