Our team’s outreach aims to support the exchange of knowledge and integrate the grounded expertise of primary water users and decision makers: farmers, groundwater management district leaders, and others working in this space, such as technology developers and service providers.
READ the July 2020 Ogallala Water newsletter #14
- Economics of conversion to drip systems
- Webinar recording: Linking Soil Biological Health to Essential Functions in the Southern High Plains
- Dr. Chuck West (Texas Tech) recieves integrated scholars award
- Recent team-led publications
READ the June 2020 Ogallala Water newsletter #13
- Ogallala Water’s team data portal to expand though new, USGS-supported project
- Upcoming team-led webinar: Linking Soil Biological Health to Essential Functions in the Southern High Plains
- Recent team-led publications
READ the May 2020 Ogallala Water newsletter #12
- Ogallala Water CAP is focus of the Nebraska Water Current’s spring 2020 issue
- Team webinar recording: “The Weight of Water: Values, Civic Engagement, and Collaborative Groundwater Management on the U.S. High Plains”
- Follow Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) competitions online this summer!
- Recent team-led publications
READ the April 2020 Ogallala Water newsletter #11
- Ogallala Water turns 4!
- Ogallala Summit Postponed
- Team post-docs ‘graduate’ to new faculty positions
- Project led Ogallala-focused issue of Agricultural Water Management
- 2020 Colorado Master Irrigator program successfully launched!
- Recent team-led publications
READ the July 2019 Ogallala Water newsletter #10
- Celebrating our successes
- Student spotlight
- Go figure!
- Project impacts
- Soil health webpage & resource guide
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
READ the May 2019 Ogallala Water newsletter #9
- Heading into Project Year 4
- Go Figure!
- 2019 CPIA proceedings
- Limited H2O field management practices featured at Clovis, NM April field day
- 2019 TAPS competitions
- Recent publications
READ the December 2018 Ogallala Water newsletter #8
- Ogallala aquifer focused txH2O magazine
- Winners of profit/efficiency corn and sorghum competition (UNL-TAPS) announced
- Ogallala Water CAP annual meeting
- OWCAP at KS Governor’s water meeting
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
READ the September 2018 Ogallala Water newsletter #7
- Findings from the Ogallala Summit slideshow
- Saturated thickness changes: Finney Co, KS
- 7-state Master Irrigator meeting
- Recent publications
READ the August 2018 Ogallala Water newsletter #6- Field Days Issue
- Field Day season in full swing Aug-Sept
- NMSU Ag Science Center at Clovis Annual Field Day
- USDA-ARS Water Management & Systems Research Unit 2018 Field Day
- 3-in-1 Water Tech Farm Field Day at Garden City Co./Roth Farm
- UNL West Central Research & Extension Center Annual Water & Crops Field Day
- Water Technology Farm Field Day & Expo with Northwest Technical College
- OK Panhandle Research & Extension Center Fall Crops tour
- Recent publications
READ the June 2018 Ogallala Water newsletter #5
- Ogallala Summit follow-up
- Project-led webinars
- Recent publications
READ the February 2018 Ogallala Water newsletter #4
- Explore RMA crop insurance data
- TAWC Water College
- Recent publications - including several to the special UCOWR Aquifer Depletion focused issue - see publications
READ the November 2017 Ogallala Water newsletter #3
- Student spotlight
- Ogallala groundwater manager survey results
- Improving the DIEM irrigation scheduling tool
- Self-imposing water limits in CO?
READ the October 2017 Ogallala Water newsletter #2
- Ogallala Water & Ogallala Aquifer Program teams at UCOWR/NIWR meeting
- Kansas Water Tech Farms in the news
- Presentation earns top marks at Risk & Profit conference
- Recent publications
READ the June 2017 Ogallala Water newsletter #1
- CPIA conference
- OWCAP in DC at Ag Research Congressional Exhibition
- UNL-TAPS: Field based competition as a driver of tech innovation and adoption
- NM forum engages producers and researchers
Resource Guides
With our team’s resource guides, we aim to synthesize and share information drawn from across the Ogallala region to shed insight on topics of interest. Please visit the “topic” pages at the menu above to view and download these guides.
Magazines & Special Issue Journals
Learn more about our team’s activities in these state water center publications and special issue journals focused on the Ogallala aquifer region.
February 2019: Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems
Oct 2020 special issue: Improving irrigation management across the Ogallala aquifer, USA
Active exploration of water management options
Impacts of residue removal and tillage on water infiltration
Learn how irrigation scheduling tools can use crop evapotranspiration estimates to better schedule irrigation.
Learn how cover crops and forage systems can improve soil health in the Southern High Plains
Learn about economic characteristics of the Ogallala aquifer, the economic tradeoffs of specific policy interventions, and the implications for…
Soil Biological Health in the Southern High Plains
March, 2017 meeting (Amarillo, TX) Ogallala Water CAP hydrologists, agricultural economists and irrigation engineers from CO, KS, TX and CA pushing forward on their integrated modeling work.
Daran Rudnick (UNL) discusses research activities including the Testing Ag Performance Solutions program (taps.unl.edu) at the West Central Research and Extension Center’s Field Day August 24, 2017.
Xiaomao Lin (KSU) discusses long-term temperature trends with producers and researchers at Forum focused on drought mitigation and preparedness in Clovis, NM in April, 2017. Scroll through one of the Forum’s presentations, given by OWCAP collaborator Chuck West (TTU): “Linking Climate to Groundwater Conservation: How do we deal with declining water supplies in an agriculturally productive region?”
CSU’s PhD student Agustín Nuñez and Technician Angie Moore collect deep soil cores from a field near Burlington, CO, that transitioned from irrigated to dryland management about 10 years ago. Nuñez seeks additional farmers in eastern Colorado, Nebraska, and western Kansas with formerly irrigated fields currently in dryland crops/CREP/Pasture willing to have their fields sampled. Click here for more information.
Collaborators from the Ogallala Water CAP and the Texas Alliance for Water Conservation visiting fields near Lubbock.
March, 2017 meeting (Amarillo, TX) Ogallala Water CAP hydrologists, agricultural economists and irrigation engineers from CO, KS, TX and CA pushing forward on their integrated modeling work.
Daran Rudnick (UNL) discusses research activities including the Testing Ag Performance Solutions program (taps.unl.edu) at the West Central Research and Extension Center’s Field Day August 24, 2017.
Please check back as we add more outreach-related info.