A 2019 study examined the impact of integrating cover crops in winter wheat-​based rotations on farm profitability and risk in the Southern High Plains. The results showed that, due to the extra monetary costs involved, none of the cover crop options is economically viable. However, when secondary benefits (soil erosion and green nitrogen) or government subsidies ($50/​ac) are included, a pea cover crop dominates the fallow alternative. Moreover, when secondary benefits and government subsidies are combined, two cover crop options (pea and oats) emerge as more profitable alternatives than leaving the land fallow.

Publication: Acharya, R.N., R. Ghimire, A. GC, and D. Blaney (2019). Effect of cover crop on profitability and risk in the Southern High Plains. Sustainability, 7119. https://​www​.mdpi​.com/​2​0​7​1​-​1​0​5​0​/​1​1​/​2​4​/​7​119

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