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WY_WhitePaper_Summit4.2018References and links
- Hinckley Consulting, 2009, Lusk Area Groundwater Level I Study.
- AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., 2017, Hydrogeologic Study of the Laramie County Control Area.
- Bartos, T.T., and Hallberg, L.L., 2011, Generalized potentiometric surface, estimated depth to water, and estimated saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer system, March – June 2009, Laramie County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3180
- Bartos, T.T., et al., 2014, Geologic and hydrogeologic characteristics of the Ogallala Formation and White River Group, Belvoir Ranch near Cheyenne, Laramie County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations
Report 2013 – 5242.
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